BAS Product

BAS Product

BAS (Budget Authorization Software) integrates business, budget, accounting and capital management into a comprehensive platform. BAS functions include budget setup, budget proposal and aggregation, budget approval and budget execution, change management, budget analysis and evaluation. By visualizing key financial indicators on budget management dashboard, BAS provides one-stop shop for budget management and financial decision support for planners and senior executives. Planners can analyze historical budget data on key financial indicator performance and improve  future budget management effectiveness.

Highly Configurable System

BAS provides planner a highly configurable system for budget codes and categories, budget input form, budget aggregation and summary, budget approval processes and budget reports.

Customized Form and Aggregation Logic

The Planner can customize the budget input and summary forms using Excel like operations defining column and row input or aggregation logic, no programing skill is needed.  The system also supports user-defined Excel based budget forms.

Graph Based Budget Approval Workflow

BAS provides a graph based budget approval workflow and enables the user to quickly identify budget status and track various approval steps.

Budget Aggregation and Breakdown

BAS uses automatic aggregation logic to allow an organizational bottom-up budget submittal process and also allows for a budget drill down and breakdown from company level to department levels.

Business Intelligent (BI) Dashboard

System provides budget summary reports on default report dashboard. Planners can also create their customized reports using built-in report tools.

Integration with PIMAS and PMS for Budget Analysis

BAS Integrates with PIMAS and PPM to establish discounted cashflow analysis on a proposed budget plan and enables effective budget assessment in a changing business environment.

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